Government Contract Services
Our leadership has been working on contracts with Government clients for more than twenty years. Our focus is on solving challenges and providing best-in-class services to help accomplish that mission. We use in-depth area knowledge combined with our innovative products to provide excellent services to our clients.

Homestead Tax Exemption
Our examiners and data analysts provide comprehensive reviews and investigations of properties receiving a residency-based exemption in your government’s taxing jurisdiction.
Reason provides full service homestead examination. From the point where we receive the taxing jurisdiction’s list of exemptions, our team begins the process of cleaning the data for proper formatting, running it against our proprietary algorithms, and turning over the data to our examiners for final investigation.
Contracting with Reason Consulting can ensure all your residence-based exemptions are being fairly leveled across your government’s taxing jurisdiction.

Tax Process Outsourcing
We provide support to local government assessors for the process of Discovery, Listing, and Maintenance for their business personal property tax rolls.
Our Digital Canvas application provides government employees and Reason team members with the data needed to identify changes in businesses located within the taxing jurisdiction each year.
Reason Consulting can also be contracted to assist in providing listing form or statement processing into the local unit’s CAMA system. In addition, Reason can provide all customer service needs for taxpayers that may have questions about the taxing process.

Our team provides full-service audits of various types. We currently offer Business Personal Property Audits (BPP), Utility Tax Audits, Equalization and Assessing Standards Audits, and Sales and Use Tax Audits. Reason Consulting has over 20 years of government contract auditing experience.