Business Personal Property Audit Services
Reason Consulting provides a full financial records audit service that compares the costs reported on the taxpayer’s Personal Property Statement(s) to those costs reflected in their accounting records. As part of the audit process, we review all assets to be sure that the taxpayer’s reporting methodologies are in line with both the State and Local tax statutes as well as a reconciliation to the real property records. Reason Consulting auditors will also conduct a site inspection of the facility under review to ensure all assets are being discovered and reported.

Utility Tax Audit Services
Reason Consulting provides audit services for monthly utility tax, gross receipts tax, as well as other local option income taxes. As these taxes are generally remitted by the taxpayer on a monthly basis, our auditors will meet with the selected taxpayers and review the financial records utilized to prepare the monthly returns. Any exemptions or exclusions that are taken by the taxpayer are reviewed and reconciled to the supporting accounting records.

Sales and Use Tax Audit Services
Reason Consulting provides audit services to determine if businesses are collecting and paying the proper amount of sales and use tax owed to the State for taxable transactions. Our auditors will review the business’s financial documents and compare total sales revenue against sales tax returns.

Equalization and Assessing Standards Audits Services
Reason Consulting performs audits of local government units to determine compliance with requirements set by State statutes, rules, and policies. Our team notifies these local units they have been selected for audit, coordinates the necessary document retrieval, and conducts an in-person review with the local assessor before submitting the results for review to the state government.
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We are ensuring accountability and transparency through our many audit services.